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How To: Solve the infamous Sudokube

Never heard of Sudokube? Well, for those of you who love sudoku AND the Rubik's Cube, this is just perfect for you. The first video gives you and introduction to the Sudokube, and the last two videos show how to solve the tricky thing. Magnificent!

How To: Solve a medium difficulty sudoku puzzle

This is a sudoku tutorial for a medium difficulty puzzle. It has less "given" easy solutions, so we have to use harder logic questions to figure out some of them. I'm sure I overlooked some easier ways to prove certain numbers, but it's good that you learn how the logic works for future difficulties. You should aim for about 10 minutes per game once you fully understand how to play. Have fun!

How To: Solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded & in five easy steps

NOTE: Chapter One is a demonstration, click on chapter two to learn how to solve the cube. This cool and very smart video teaches you how to solve the popular (and annoying) Rubik's Cube in just five steps. Sounds easy, doesn't it? First, check out this video of Leyan Lo as he achieves the world record for the fastest blindfolded solve. He beat Tyson Mao's record by about 30 seconds, they are both friends.

How To: Solve a 2x2 Rubik's Cube, yes, the small one

This video shows you how to simply solve a 2x2 Rubik's Cube. WARNING!!!! If you have not learned the algorithms from a 3x3 tutorial, you must learn them now or you will not be able to solve this Rubik's Cube, because it's so hard... Really. I'm not lying. Unless you just want to figure it out yourself, because I'm sure you're no idiot, right?

How To: Make a jigsaw puzzle

Do you love to do jigsaw puzzles but hate the corny pictures? Here's how to make a puzzle with any picture—your pet turtle, your favorite cartoon character, your little brother... okay, maybe not your little brother.

How To: Solve the Klotski Forget-Me-Not puzzle

Klotski is a small brick puzzle. The aim is to release a red block and move it to a destination gate by moving other surrounding pieces, within a confined outer border. It sounds simple but it's a real brainteaser, especially the Forget-me-not brick layout. Solve the Klotski Forget-Me-Not puzzle.

How To: Solve the Peg Solitaire puzzle

The object of Peg Solitaire is to finish the game with only one peg remaining on the board, preferably in the center hole. You can remove a peg by jumping over it with another peg. Only certain jumps are legal: you must jump horizontally or vertically, and you can jump only one peg at a time. Here is one the most genial solutions in the allocated 31 moves. Solve the Peg Solitaire puzzle.

How To: Solve the horse shoe puzzle

Watch and learn how to solve this metal mind puzzle. These metal puzzles never seem to go away. This one is 2 horshoe shaped rings with a connector in the center. Watch as you gently fold the horse shoes to free the ring within.

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