This is a video tutorial on how to use the 2-Look PLL method to solve the Rubik's Cube. You'll be able to solve the PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) using only six algorithms as opposed to twenty-one algorithms that are required for the Fridrich PLL Method on the Rubiks Cube.
Algorithms in order:
1. x [(R' U R') D2] [(R U' R') D2] R2
2. R2 U [R U R' U'] (R' U') (R' U R')
3. [R U'] [R U] [R U] [R U'] R' U' R2
4. M2 U M2 U2 M2 U M2
5. M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U2 M' U2
6. x' [(R U' R') D (R U R')] u2 [(R' U R) D (R' U' R)]
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