It's much easier to solve a 2x2 Rubik's cube than it is to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube. This Rubik's Cube video tutorial will show you how to solve a 2x2 Rubik's Cube using only two algorithms!
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wow. thanks for making me feel like an idiot. :) kidding. sort of.
lol blargh
i can do only 3X3
But I can solve 2x2 /3x3/4x4/5x5 and mirror cube and snake cube as well
That was awesome. Thanks for writing down the algorithms. Maybe some day I will understand what I am doing as well as you do.
OMG bro that was the best EVER!!! it helped me so much!! thanks dude!
WOW. Thanks man, I have never been able to solve a rubiks cube before
It was less confusing than Sergs B 2x2 tutorial :3
My solution uses only one algorithm:
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